chrome-aws-lambda icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chrome-aws-lambda copied to clipboard

Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions

Results 74 chrome-aws-lambda issues
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Could not find expected browser (chrome) locally. Run `npm install` to download the correct Chromium revision (938248). When using serverless-esbuild plugin with puppeteer.


## Environment * `chrome-aws-lambda` Version: 10.1.0 * `puppeteer` / `puppeteer-core` Version: 10.1.0 * OS: Mac * Node.js Version: 16.15.1 * Lambda / GCF Runtime: nodejs12.x ## Expected Behavior When I...


Hey, Thanks for the great library!! I'm using this library to generate pdfs, but non-english characters are displayed as blocks. I have tried to follow this issue ( but the... - Related to #275

hi , guys, and thank you for your great work, i saw that it wasn't updated for some time , are any updates are expected?


This PR updates the build process for chromium and gets puppeteer support up to 14.1.0. Closes: #240 #248 #258 #254 #242 #274 #275 #276 Notes: - Ignore the branch name,...

Hi, It would be great if there are some clear examples for how to use the `font()` API. There are a lot of issues in this repo referring to challenges...


I am having the following error when I try to run my lambda with node 16.x, does anyone else get this? ``` "Failed to launch the browser process!\n/tmp/chromium: error while...


Not sure why but when using your code as a Lambda layer it gave me issues with the versioning of the npm dependencies. So I am updating some of your...

## Environment * `chrome-aws-lambda` Version: 7.0.0 * `puppeteer` / `puppeteer-core` Version: 7.1.0 * OS: Mac * Node.js Version: 12.x * Lambda / GCF Runtime: `nodejs12.x` ## Expected Behavior Google Lighthouse...
