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[BUG] Lighthouse performance is returning NULL most of the time

Open wafendy opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments


  • chrome-aws-lambda Version: 7.0.0
  • puppeteer / puppeteer-core Version: 7.1.0
  • OS: Mac
  • Node.js Version: 12.x
  • Lambda / GCF Runtime: nodejs12.x

Expected Behavior

Google Lighthouse executed successfully and always returns Performance score

Current Behavior

Google Lighthouse executed successfully BUT most of the time Performance score is null.

Screenshot 2021-02-18 at 5 25 49 PM

Steps to Reproduce

I created a github repo to help reproduce the error.

main branch: Using the latest version which is v7.0.0 last-known-working branch: Using version v3.1.1

v3.1.1 is last known stable version for my setup.

Possible Solution

chrome-aws-lambda v3.1.1 is the last known working version, but it has may security vulnerabilities and no more updates to addresss the vulnerabilities.

Perhaps, I'm using it wrongly or there is missing configuration.

wafendy avatar Feb 18 '21 11:02 wafendy

We can replicate this issue, it seems to fail approximately 25% of the time for us.

Something similar seems to have been flagged here with a response of "retry it a few times", which isn't exactly the solution we were aiming for 😂

dochne avatar Mar 10 '21 14:03 dochne

In case this is helpful for anyone. I was having this issue when driving lighthouse via puppeteer. What fixed it for me was removing an argument that is passed to chromium. Specifically, I was using the --single-process flag. Commenting this out did the trick for me.


await puppeteer.launch({
	    ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
	    headless: true,
	    args: [//'--single-process',


node: 14.16.0 lighthouse: 7.2.0 puppeteer: 8.0.0 platform(s): macOS Big Sur (local), Ubuntu 20.04 (remote EC2 instance)

ACAHNN avatar Mar 16 '21 02:03 ACAHNN

When --single-process argument is removed, my local docker can run just fine without any error.

However if I run the same code on AWS lambda, I'm getting the following error:

2021-04-26T15:26:56.873+08:00Copy2021-04-26T07:26:56.873Z	045ca199-78fa-4231-8913-930254a5ed9e	ERROR	Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1144:16) {
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 9222

wafendy avatar Apr 26 '21 07:04 wafendy

If you want meaningful (not highly variable) results, don't use AWS Lambda to run Lighthouse. Look at EC2, or ECS.

I started with AWS Lambda when I built, but results would yoyo up to 50% between runs (and that's with running each test 5 times).

rozenmd avatar Jun 01 '21 10:06 rozenmd

We're having this same problem at the minute, @wafendy did you ever find a solution for this?

louist7 avatar Mar 08 '22 14:03 louist7

Did anyone get a solution for this? @wafendy @louist7

dev-67 avatar May 27 '22 13:05 dev-67

We found that increasing the memory on the lambda function to 2048 MB, and the timeout to 300 seconds, improved the reliability of the results enough for us to be able to use it.

louist7 avatar May 27 '22 15:05 louist7