chrome-aws-lambda icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chrome-aws-lambda copied to clipboard

Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions

Results 74 chrome-aws-lambda issues
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## What would you like to have implemented? Ability to load font files after a page has already been launched ## Why would it be useful? We have a use...


I am using [email protected] on Vercel; the previous version works fine. However, when I upgrade to the newer version, it was impossible to build due to the size. > Error:...


Currently, the versions of Puppeteer & Chromium being used in the project are considerably outdated. Beyond Chrome 120, the integrations are failing probably due to some compatibility issues with the...


I am currently trying to use **chrome-aws-lambda** v8 with **puppeteer@8** in Nextjs but i am getting this error: ``` ./node_modules/chrome-aws-lambda/build/puppeteer/lib/ Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:10) You may need an...