chrome-aws-lambda icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chrome-aws-lambda copied to clipboard

Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions

Results 74 chrome-aws-lambda issues
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Updated to support Puppeteer 10.2.x

I installed the 10.0 version of the chrome-aws-lambda as a layer this morning. I then tried to use your example usage code, slightly modified to generate a pdf, as a...


## Environment * `chrome-aws-lambda` Version: 5.2.1 * `puppeteer` / `puppeteer-core` Version: 5.2.1 * OS: * Node.js Version: 10 * Lambda / GCF Runtime: 10 ## Expected Behavior The custom google...


Sorry for old bug report, but the problem is still in the latest release. Between 5.5.0 and 6.0.0, something changed in regards to handling of fonts. 5.5.0 works as expected...


According to the prevailing pptr and goog docs, the chromium package released by Alpine Linux is the only chromium binary for Alpine. Are there additional docs or methods one can...

Symbols are replaces as boxes in the generated PDF in the chrome-aws-lambda ## Environment * `chrome-aws-lambda` Version: 7.0.0 * `puppeteer` / `puppeteer-core` Version: 7.0.4 * OS: * Node.js Version: 14.x...


Ok so when trying to capture this link it only captures the header and footer. sorry for the ugly formating i can't get it to align right. ` const...

## What would you like to have implemented? In Chrome 85 an update was implemented to allow tagged PDFs to be generated, carrying over the alt text from the HTML...


Right now I see the Browser Context is working, but for some reason, it's not working good when setting cookies. Is there a way to open puppeteer separately in every...


browser.close is not a function errror while use chrome.puppeteer i have also try by install puppeter-core ref : --------------------------------------code--------------- const chrome = require("chrome-aws-lambda"); const lighthouse = require("lighthouse"); let generate_report...
