Alan O'Callaghan

Results 161 comments of Alan O'Callaghan

I would add left and possibly top margin to the plot. Unfortunately plotly does not dodge legends, but I may have though of a hack/workaround to avoid this.

Try now; I permanently moved the legend off the left side of the plot. It may make more sense to add parameters to move the x and y location, because...


As noted above, it depends on ropensci/plotly#929 being resolved.

No worries, I had to check also. Just pinged Carson regarding it - I'd like to contribute but I think it grew in scope far beyond my knowledge of the...

@hdvinod you can control ordering with Rowv and Colv (using vectors of integers, ie indexes). If you can provide some example code of how to use these correlations I'd be...

Thanks, but what order criteria would you apply with this? I'm slightly unclear what you mean about |rji| - |rij|. If I'm understanding correctly, this can only be used for...

At the moment, you can manually supply a named vector of colours, and set these to be whatever you like for the different factors. ```r heatmaply(mtcars, row_side_colors = mtcars[, c("cyl",...

It's certainly on the to-do list. The idea I have is rather than having a single "row_side" (or "col_side") plot, we can have an arbitrary number of them, all with...

Hey @fboehm sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I've done some initial work in the `multi_side_color_plot` branch, principally refactoring the function `plotly_side_color_plot` to produce a list of...