Alan O'Callaghan

Results 161 comments of Alan O'Callaghan

I edited the dendrograms to use a discrete scale to match with the heatmap's discrete scale; admittedly I had left `coord_cartesian()`/`coord_flip()` calls in that might have been causing problems, but...

Also it's worth noting that `subplot()` *does* do the right thing, just not when dynamicTicks is enabled: `subplot(h$py, plotly_empty(), h$p, h$px, nrows=2, shareX=TRUE, shareY=TRUE)`

On branch `develop` it is working correctly, see the example below. I've mapped the heatmap and dendrograms to the same discrete scale. I've also made the hovertext on the dendrograms...

I would note that the y axis labels are numbers, but are character objects. ```{r} rownames(iris)

![screenshot from 2017-06-23 17-50-11]( They are mapped to the centers, unfortunately rounding makes the dendrograms hard to interpret near the leaves (not that that is easy usually, but I digress)....

I agree that the plotly fix is more sensible, however I am convinced that something is amiss in ggplotly. I don't see why the dynamic ticks argument should scramble the...

This feature may become possible with ggplot v2.2 (scheduled for release very soon):

@talgalili I've made some progress on this and #20, by adding an option to use native `plot_ly` functionality (in lieu of `ggplotly`). I'll try to do some informal testing and...

Should clarify this is on my fork

This is now possible when using the new option, `plot_method = "plotly"`. Hopefully, it will be possible in ggplotly; once this PR is resolved, it will be fixed with plot_method...