Alan O'Callaghan

Results 161 comments of Alan O'Callaghan

Warning 1 I have no idea, I think that's specific to your R installation. Try updating `libfontconfig`. I've seen lots of colleagues on mac having issues loading shared objs recently....

Is this still the case? I don't have access to osx to check

Can you be a bit more specific? You mean to define how big each cell of the heatmap is in pixels? This is unlikely to be doable since the heatmap...

Yeah unfortunately this would be really hard to do. The easiest way to do it would be something like ```r library(heatmaply) heatmaply(mtcars, show_dendrogram = FALSE, hide_colorbar = TRUE, showticklabels =...

Do you mean a legend on the heatmap?

Ah, yeah legends are a bit tricky with plotly. I'll see if things are easier than before.

Could you use `reprex::reprex` to post the code you used here?

Sorry I nuked your code somehow lol ```r library(heatmaply) # generate data datMat = matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10) # try a single color heatmaply(datMat, heatmap_layers = theme(axis.text.y...

I think the short answer is no, if `ggplotly()` called on the last plot doesn't work (it doesn't for me). Would be worth flagging this up in the [plotly repo](

Ah fair dues. Turns out it doesn't really like HTML output anyway so I was pointing you in the wrong direction for github issues with HTMLwidgets.