Results 6 issues of al2950

Hi First off, thank you so much this tool, it is superb! Currently all compressed textures are saved out, at least as far as I can tell, as unsigned textures...


#### System Information - Ogre Version: :2.2: - Operating System / Platform: :Windows (7 & 8): - RenderSystem: :dx11, assume others, but not tested: - GPU: :GTX 980: #### Detailled...


Currently the system relies on the user to clear up widgets and windows before shutting down. (My library instantiates Colibrigui, but not necessarily create widgets directly with it) Would it...

enhancement The add_recursive function or macro is missing so it fails if you build with COLIBRIGUI_LIB_ONLY set.

I have been looking for an opportunity to integrate this into my project. It appears currently, layouts have be generated at runtime from C++, it would be really great to...
