Koichi Murase

Results 34 issues of Koichi Murase

Fixes #758 @carbongreat13 Thank you for the report (#758). Can you test the behavior of the updated [compeltions/cryptsetup](https://github.com/akinomyoga/bash-completion/raw/cryptsetup-action/completions/cryptsetup)? You can download and source it as ```bash $ curl -Lo cryptsetup...

This is an experimental implementation of hooks mentioned in https://github.com/scop/bash-completion/issues/720#issuecomment-1093764792. This is still a stub; the design should be considered well, tests and documentation need to be added, etc. Nevertheless,...

Resolve #544 - Commit 53060e3b: support `@pytest.mark.bashcomp(required_cmd=True)` to skip all the tests in the class. - Commit eb12832c: add failing test cases to illustrate the problems - Commit 0ddae4c1: do...

Let me create an issue for the discussion made in #687 before we forget it. > ### Reply https://github.com/scop/bash-completion/pull/687#issuecomment-1021580514 by @sudonym1 > > > is caused by the timeout we...

## Describe the feature/solution When we need to change the shell options for certain operations, currently we save the original state using `local reset=$(shopt -p nullglob)`, `local reset=$(shopt -po noglob)`,...

使い所として以下の例が提示されていますが、 ```cpp if ( auto ptr = std::make_unique(42) ; ptr ) { // 処理 } ``` これは以下の点が気になります。 1. 従来の C++ でも以下のようにすればできるということ、 ```cpp if ( auto ptr = std::make_unique(42) ) {...

Let me move the issue https://github.com/rsteube/carapace-bin/issues/1219 to here. ---- _Originally posted by @geekscrapy in https://github.com/rsteube/carapace-bin/issues/1219#issue-1294255779_ Firstly, great tool! Hi, How can I turn off argument completion? I would prefer filenames/directories...

This is also from the tests for https://github.com/akinomyoga/ble.sh/issues/95. ## Environment I'm not sure if xtermjs/xterm.js is the right place to report it since I cannot reproduce this behavior on the...

help wanted

This was first reported at https://github.com/akinomyoga/ble.sh/issues/95. In Visual Studio Code (VSCode), when a Bash plugin `ble.sh` is loaded in a Bash session, the cursor shape becomes always `Block` regardless of...

help wanted
good first issue