Koichi Murase

Results 36 issues of Koichi Murase

~~Waiting for #1084 and #1085.~~ This is ready. The changes in this PR are related to the array assignments with the maunal `cur` filtering. For example, some of the existing...

~~Waiting for #1084 and #1085.~~ This is ready.

I'm now trying to apply `_comp_split` in `completions/*`, but I decided to submit the changes on `completions/ri` in a separate PR since this file `ri` has many fixes. See the...

I decided to move code stubs for array utilities in #739 and #950 to here. > I guess this could end up as an invalid regex if `_parse_help` lets any...

Bash 5.0 and lower do not support process substitutions `

I here suggest including the check for the Bash version at the beginning of `bats`. Using Bats, I would like to test if Bash frameworks would correctly work in different...

@calestyo I have applied the partial fix. Could you test whether it works for each of the related plugins and themes? - There are two changed completions: `gh` and `hub`...

> [...] the variables for plugins are supposed to have the name of OMB_PLUGIN_{PluginName}_{ConfigName} (see the xterm and fasd plugins for examples). We do not include the variables for specific...

_Originally posted by @nntoan in https://github.com/ohmybash/oh-my-bash/issues/355#issuecomment-1256965559_ > @akinomyoga [...] I also want to integrate some CI for shellcheck into the project, that's one of reasons I turned it on.

This is the fix for #140. The author of #140 seems to have fixed the issue by directly modifying the C source code of Midnight Commander `mc`, but we could...