I use this method solve the problem. My system is Ubuntu 16.04 install BleachBit ,clean the .DS_store; Then solved
I am not sure am I right, I change the "save_best only" to False and get the anomaly Detector.h5
Thanks, I will try it.
Hi , Have you use pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal? Did it work better? Cheers
Thank you, I mainly changed the voxel resolution, but it didn't make a good result like GICP, any other parameters can I change?
For error1. It seems that you don't have the, you can download it. For error2: torch 1.4 is not suitable for this task, you can use torch 1.0.1 as...
I saw your words and i think the main problem is the installation of the PCL on Ubuntu 18.04. I install it in two computer, ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04, IN...
可以将from neupeak.utils.webcv2 改为cv2就可以了
hello, have you solve the problem, I want to test the OCC-Linemod dataset, could you show your change or addition on the original code? Thank you