Andy Hefner
Andy Hefner
I agree, a README and some documentation is something I've considered in the back of my mind for some time, but also I haven't used asm6502 in several years. I...
Sorry, I never got around to this. I'm terribly motivated to continue development on the GUI since it assumes a fixed resolution of 640x480 which is comically dated today. In...
I'm honestly not likely to ever get around to it. The keyboard controls are hardcoded but it's easy to change. In the file global.c, line 28 (begins with SDLKey keymap...)...
I'm sure this is my fault, since audio/video sync always gave me trouble, and fundamentally modern computers are problematic since video and audio are driven by separate clocks, but.. anecdotally.....
Theory: This has something to do with dropped frames. The more frames drop, the worse the audio desyncs?