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Cannot configure joypad buttons via GUI
Sorry, I never got around to this. I'm terribly motivated to continue development on the GUI since it assumes a fixed resolution of 640x480 which is comically dated today. In order to configure your controller, determine the needed buttons via 'jstest' on Linux and then pass them to the emulator via the -joy0 command line parameter, e.g. -joy0 0,1,6,7 (used for my Buffalo Famicom-style gamepad). If you need to reconfigure the axes, you may be out of luck. =/
Will there be a GUI configuration? If not, where is the code for the inputs so I can modify it to my liking? This is the best emulator I could find but I hate the controls (I like to jump with Z and shoot with X).
I'm honestly not likely to ever get around to it. The keyboard controls are hardcoded but it's easy to change. In the file global.c, line 28 (begins with SDLKey keymap...) there's an array of SDLK_* values that map to NES button indices. Should be self explanatory.
Perhaps later I'll dig into the GUI code and bring it up to standards. In the meantime thanks a bunch, this helped satisfy that old Metroid itch.