Anton Gilgur

Results 320 comments of Anton Gilgur

Thanks for reporting this @jessekrubin and thank you for providing a workaround @nbgraham > Do not know why I only just started getting this warning message. It's a deprecation warning,...

So this is caused by Parcel, not TSDX. It's caused by the very recent and the only pinned issue from Parcel: . That, in turn, is caused by a...

So there's been a fix pending upstream in for almost as long as the issue has existed, but unfortunately it has not gotten much attention despite the wide impact...

> Right now, I use parcel `v1.12.3` which doesn't have the above issue. I'm not sure why folks are saying this; this might be a coincidence of `yarn.lock` getting resolved...

ah thanks for correcting me @phamhieu ! I posted a link to that line too on the same commit (tagged specifically to `v1.12.3`) but maybe I was looking at the...

So it seems like per [the repro above]( (thank you!), `references` seems to work fine _without_ `paths`, as far as I can tell. This plugin does have some specific code...

Per #170 it sounds like this only happens with `preserveModules`, but you didn't include a full Rollup config in order to confirm that. It also sounds like it may be...

I created a reproduction for this issue [here]( Per my comments there, the `_virtual` dir will only be created if you're using `preserveModules` _and_ are using `tslib` helpers (e.g. you're...

Sure, here's `verbosity: 3` for `rpt2: built-in options overrides` and `rpt2: parsed tsconfig` Log output ``` rpt2: built-in options overrides: { "noEmitHelpers": false, "importHelpers": true, "noResolve": false, "noEmit": false, "inlineSourceMap":...