Adam Gent

Results 165 comments of Adam Gent

> I’m still a bit unclear on what the trade offs (benefits and drawbacks) would be of this approach, need to think about this more. This is sort of likewise...

> I should probably take a look at how Micronaut does compile-time dependency injection. They generate a meta data class that basically has all the reflection information in it as...

I had to look at the code as noted here: @graemerocher Might add some documentation someday. The code is well written its just inherently complicated as there 3-4 APIs...

I'm a little curious if you have any plans to do some testing where the startup/shutdown time and vm warming are not included in the test time. Clearly this would...

If this project upgrades to Java 11 I recommend Apache Commons lang3 get removed since all of its uses appears to be to use `StringUtils.isNotBlank`. Java 11 has `String.isBlank` builtin.

I will test on a newer version of Eclipse. I think this is an Eclipse bug based on the commit history of:

The SQL files are copied to the output folder but they are located in: `src/main/resources` as per Maven conventions. Like I said everything works fine when I use maven to...

I tried doma-tools Eclipse plugin to see if that would help mitigate but I got an exception However I think it might have worked if the exception didn't happen...

> No. src/main/resources is not the output folder, but source folder. I think this is a miscommunication. What I meant is the `src/main/resources` get copied to `target/classes`. If you put...

Yes I just tried on a fresh maven multi module project and same problem. I'll put a screen shot soon of my `target/classes` in the navigator if you really don't...