Adit Doshi
Adit Doshi
Okay! But does the final calibration matrix need to use with the rectified image or non rectified image?
I have one more doubt. I am able to calibrate pretty well with your code but not able to use the same matrix in r3live. From the following can you...
Hello @VisionaryMind, I am facing a similar issue with a wide-angle lens, the point cloud kept on shrinking during the optimization phase. Can you please elaborate on how did you...
@XW-HKU @chengwei0427 Thanks for the update. I will check and update..
@XW-HKU please advise on the same. Even I am waiting to use FASTLIO with velodyne. Any light would be helpful
@themarpe library version I can tell you tomorrow. Yes, I am using a type c port with type c to type c cable. The strange part is this problem is...
@themarpe thanks waiting for the update
@themarpe thanks for the quick update. I am running depthai ros and I don't see any timesync_improvements branch. Can you please guide me through the setup? Do I have to...
For 4k stream, I did the following change `colorCam->setResolution(dai::ColorCameraProperties::SensorResolution::THE_4_K);` at Currently it is using color.yaml file. Do I need to change that also?
Hello @themarpe , I am just running standalone depthai example. Not consuming any other thing.