Ayo Adesugba
Ayo Adesugba
Hi. Thanks for the great module. Is there a plan to merge the spin functionality into the core module. This is something I really need for a project. Thanks once...
Yeah. I need spin for the IconDrawable, since i modify the button left drawable depending on app state from the fragment. Thanks...
What version of the extension are you using?
Please download 5.4.0 from this repo (under Releases), and try installing that manually. ``` View -> Command Pallete... -> Extensions Install from VSIX... ``` If there is any error, please...
I have the same error building for production/preview. The development build below works ` npm run build ` Here is some of the excerpts from the build Configure project :expo...
I fixed it for my application - forked the code and made some tweaks. Reverted to older PusherSwift (from https://github.com/thijskuilman/pusher_client). The newer versions of PusherSwift do not work with non-Pusher...
Is there any advise on this? I have an app with a custom theme, but noticed that the center window (and all enclosed views) ignore the styles. However, if i...