vscode-live-server copied to clipboard
error in chrome dev tools - Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
An error appears in the console in chrome dev tools upon launching Live Server
Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
- browser - Chrome (desktop) version 72
- Live Server: 1.30.2
- Platform: Windows
- Visual Studio Code: latest
What version of the extension are you using?
should be the latest one, 5.3.1 I think. This actually only started happening recently.
Please download 5.4.0 from this repo (under Releases), and try installing that manually.
View -> Command Pallete... -> Extensions Install from VSIX...
If there is any error, please paste the errors or screenshot from the Developer Tools.
Hello, I removed the live server version I had and I downloaded LiveServer-5.4.0.vsix from releases and installed it, however it looks identical to what I had before (still says latest update was 5.3.1 in the description) and I still get the same error in console. Just to make it clear the extension works, but there's that annoying console error message still:
Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
Live server just updated to actual v 5.4 this time but the same error still persists in chrome.
Hi vk011 - This might be an issue with an extension you have from chrome. Try disabling them (chrome://extensions) and enabling them one by one to find the culprit. This worked for me.
@dchapo That was it man, thanks!
@vk011 Hey which extension caused the problem for you?
@rohitkrishna094 I think it was some kind of a video downloader, not sure which one though.
I had the same problem today and resolved it by disabling the following Chrome Extension;
Hi @everyone. I figured out why it's happening. a small bug is there. You'll get an update with the fixes in this weekend. :)
Anything else? I still get such error with chrome 72.0.3626.121
For those coming here to debug this error in Chrome 73, one possible reason is that Chrome 73 onwards disallows cross-origin requests in content scripts.
More reading:
- https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/extension-content-script-fetches
- https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768
This affects many Chrome extension authors, who now need to scramble to fix the extensions because Chrome thinks "Our data shows that most extensions will not be affected by this change."
UPDATE: After fixing my extension CORS issue, I still see this error. I don't know what is causing it :/
Hi, any updates on this?
Wondering if there is any update on this as well
Subscribing here.
I have solved this problem, some extention will cause this error, so you can use the no trace mode of chrome to develop, and ctrl + shift + N can come in this mode, then you can see the error is gone.
I have solved this problem, a video down-loader extension will cause this error,
was the Stylish extension for me causing this problem. I disabled and re-enabled it and now I don't get those logs
I had same Error with this following chrome Extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/foxit-pdf-creator/cifnddnffldieaamihfkhkdgnbhfmaci
Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
Seems that some chrome extension that you have installed recently is creating problem. If you remove the recent installed extension then it will solve your problem.
See your chrome extension:
Hey i found two solutions to this bug/error:
Incognito browsing is quickest option or:
try disable extensions, and find which one cause that issue, for me was : Google Docs Offline 1.7
I have solved this problem, a video down-loader extension will cause this error,
solved,,,, thank you
I"m under the impression we're mixing two distinct cases in this discussion:
Case #_1. You're a user that have extensions installed, and one or more of them is causing the problem.
- In this case, identifying and disabling the extension is the best way, as already suggested above.
Case #_2 - You're a developer and your extension is throwing the error.
- Of course, you don't want to disable your own extension, but solve the problem. Despite the solution given by @ernsheong at https://github.com/ritwickdey/vscode-live-server/issues/270#issuecomment-473667533 (above) didn't work for him, I believe it's the best start point for it.
Also, I've been seen some solutions that recommend the developer to add
return true
to the the callback function (eg. https://github.com/mozilla/webextension-polyfill/issues/130#issuecomment-484772327) to make sure that the function will wait for the response.
My case is the #2 above and I'm still struggling to implement a complete solution. I'll publish the solution here, in case I find one.
I also solve this error. This error comes by what font extension see after disabling it. optional follow me @atulcodex
Hi vk011 - This might be an issue with an extension you have from chrome. Try disabling them (chrome://extensions) and enabling them one by one to find the culprit. This worked for me.
Tanks!! extension that was wrong here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cuponomia-cupom-e-dinheir/gidejehfgombmkfflghejpncblgfkagj?hl=pt-BR
Google Publisher Toolbar gave me this problem
Norton Safe Web (Chrome Extension) was causing the error for me.
When I disabled 360 Total Security anti virus chrome extension, the problem was resolved.
Go to chrome://extensions/ and determine which extension is causing the error.