NappDrawer copied to clipboard
Holo Theme
Sorry, if this question sounds stupid. But how can I use NappDrawer with Hole Theme?
Of course I have defined this theme correctly in tiapp.xml. Without NappDrawer a slider UI e.g. is shown differently than with this module (nice blue rounded instead of yellow rectangle).
Is there any advise on this? I have an app with a custom theme, but noticed that the center window (and all enclosed views) ignore the styles. However, if i open a modal window (e.g. settings), the styling works as intended.
The buttons in the second image should be blue.
change the android:targetSdkVersion in tiapp.xml,or remove the targetsdkversion in nappdrawer module
I have the same problem (Picker and text fields really look terrible). Changing the targetSdkVersion in modules/android/dk.napp.drawer/1.1.3/timodule.xml did not help (nor setting the targetSdkVersion in tiapp.xml). Is it really not possible to use Holo Theme for NappDrawer or what am I missing?
I have the same problem. Anyone have a solution?
Same problem here. Still no solution?
Same problem. My custom style does work on separate Windows but not on the NappDrawer. @viezel Is there a way to implement themes in combination with NappDrawer?