Gyorgy Szaszko

Results 16 issues of Gyorgy Szaszko

**Platform** - OMNeT++ version: 6.0 - OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Here are screenshots of the bug: ![unnamed]( ![unnamed](


This would make it more convenient to add titles when the same ones are used in multiple charts. For example, 'Simulation Time' for x-axis title. At least some previously used...


The error is the following: ` Error: Unknown sequence number: 4090 -- in module (inet::ieee80211::RecipientQosMacDataService) FragmentationShowcase.wifiHost2.wlan[0].mac.hcf.recipientMacDataService (id=168), at t=8.510641969808s, event #463185` To reproduce, run ThresholdHCFfragblockack-threshold=900 config in showcases/wireless/fragmentation, for example....


To listen to signals, the receiver uses the bandwidth specified by the bandwidth parameter of Ieee80211DimensionalRadio, but the received transmission has a different bandwidth, depending on its bitrate (and in...


This could be useful for voice traffic, for example. See OriginatorQosAckPolicy::computeAckPolicy There could also be a packet tag which allows applications to decide what kind of ACK policy should be...


It should send the block ack request again before retransmitting all frames. Maybe like this? `bool QosAckHandler::isOutstandingFrame(const Ptr& header) { if (header->getType() == ST_DATA_WITH_QOS) { auto dataHeader = dynamicPtrCast(header); auto...


The block ack mechanism should also work asymmetrically, i.e. block acks in direction but not the other
