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Unknown sequence number error in 802.11
The error is the following:
<!> Error: Unknown sequence number: 4090 -- in module (inet::ieee80211::RecipientQosMacDataService) FragmentationShowcase.wifiHost2.wlan[0].mac.hcf.recipientMacDataService (id=168), at t=8.510641969808s, event #463185
To reproduce, run ThresholdHCFfragblockack-threshold=900 config in showcases/wireless/fragmentation, for example.
This error happens multiple times in the fragmentation showcase.
Versions: omnetpp: 97c2e57599 ("scave/python: Format caught exceptions a bit better before printing them on plots", 2022-02-21) inet: 9d880fbcb8 ("showcases: anf update for sensornetwork", 2022-03-14)
but it's probably reproducible with the current master branches.