Gyorgy Szaszko
Gyorgy Szaszko
The channel number starts at 1 in the standard, so it should be the same in INET to avoid confusion.
For reproduction: omnetpp: omnetpp-6.0.x branch (ec0c7f3cf3cb0a0c31029f10947645c9f5b14c11) inet: 765613890f051eb8663f37b2dfefb76509109f47 showcases/tsn/timesychronization/clockdrift, OutOfBandSynchronizationConstantDrift config also add to config: `*.source*.app[1].synchronizationOscillatorCompensationFactorError = uniform(0.5, 2)` (this is needed for the error)
The StatisticLMac configuration is a parameter study, and with some values of slotDuration, this error occurs. However, most simulation runs don't lead to error. It might be that the slotDuration...