Alex Cumarav
Alex Cumarav
order for concepts with the same score: standard, classification, not standard valid, not standard invalid
Technically there is no way to restore older version, this label indicates version which was packed into the zip first time only. We can delete it from this screen and...
Athena is set to keeps archive files for 3 days. Restore mean - recreate package. IMHO the optimal behavior will be to allow "Restore" only if the vocabulary version match....
As per discussion with @Alexdavv - the field reflects changes in the source vocabulary and it's behavior should not be changed. The optimal change will be to add one more...
It might be done. Existing assembled bundle zip will be deleted and new one will be restored. New email with new download link will be dispatched as soon as download...
Hierarchy lazy loading already implemented within OHDSI/Athena#96, but here is a different problem: Concept relationships count is really huge: 104246 and it should be rendered on a single page. Not...