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Application template for Rails 7 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.

Results 64 rails-template issues
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Integrating something like https://github.com/indirect/unpwn to show some sort of traffic-light alike advice on password strength seems good. I suggest we keep this separate from our password **requirements** (which the user...


Django includes a [password validator which validates passwords against a built-in list of 20k common passwords](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/auth/passwords/#django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator). I think it would be neat port this to Rails + devise. The [source...

ready for dev

It's easy enough to have rspec output results in junit format, which we could combine with [mikepenz/action-junit-report](https://github.com/mikepenz/action-junit-report) to annotate failing specs (we could also use this with rubocop as that...

### Motivations * `debug` is installed by default on Ruby 3.1 but supports back to 2.6 * `debug` is the default in Rails and we should align with Rails defaults...

We tend to have to setup at least Google Tag Manager on most of our apps, and while the snippiet is always the same we usually do it slightly differently...

good first issue
ready for dev

`rails about` loads the rails app and dumps a bunch of useful info about it. It might be nice to have this info in CI output after deployments. Example output:...

ready for dev

keep the rails default seed file just for the barest minimum what we need to run tests or console or something most of the time it'll be empty?

ready for dev

The most notable feature change in v8 is that Shakapacker is now JS package manager agnostic by default, using the [`packageManager`](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packagemanager) property to determine which package manager to use (otherwise...

v4 uses a later version of Node but does not have any other notable breaking changes

This moves us off `secrets.yml` entirely since it's been deprecated in Rails v7.x - instead, we source our configuration through `app.yml`. Resolves #341 (kind of)