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Application template for Rails 7 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.

Results 64 rails-template issues
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This is just a sketch to get things going. I would :heart: if anybody wants to pick this up and finish it. Closes #273


The issue seems to be that within the next 2 weeks is a dst change so we aren't 14 days away, we're 14 days +- 1 hour away (i can't...

This could make it easier to keep `.env` up to date - should we do this by default?

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[It's deprecated](https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-matchers) - I think we just need to replace it with [`axe-core-rspec`](https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core-gems/blob/develop/packages/axe-core-rspec/README.md)?

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I might be missing something but I have not yet found a reason why we cannot set `SameSite=Strict` on the Rails session cookie. This is a very minor security win...

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We have these lines of code in our `backend_base` variant: https://github.com/ackama/rails-template/blob/89c633c72044c37ebc89bc4f675fbb1ad70a3d12/variants/backend-base/config/template.rb#L20-L22 These have not been touched in several years and [now differs from what Rails provides](https://github.com/alphagov/collections/blob/main/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb). We should re-establish what...

This is based on the different patterns we've used over the years for supporting this in our apps - in the end I've gone with having a dedicated analytics partial...

## Symptoms Currently the apps we generate have neither [rails-ujs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rails/ujs) nor [rails-turbo](https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-rails) installed. This means that the Devise sign out link will not work: ``` Sign out ``` ## Why...

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