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Application template for Rails 7 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.

Results 64 rails-template issues
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This would only work in Capistrano based deployments. I didn't even know it existed so I'm wondering if we ever use it. If we don't use it regularly then we...


* Events are logged as JSON to a file * Each auditable event corrseponds to a new type under Auditor::Event * Audit logging is encapsulated behind the Auditor class so...

Closes #336 * Add the records counting rake task within the `app` namespace. Include a comment guiding devs on what should go in `app` namespace. * Create an empty `dev`...

Most apps I have worked on need a "one time only" rake tasks which perform some kind of data migration of production data. I have a strong preference for migrating...

ready for dev

By default, Devise uses ActionMailer::Base. This means that any configuration defaults set in ApplicationMailer such as the layout to use, default 'from' address, etc do not affect mail generated by...

Set `X-Frame-Options` to the more secure `deny` value. Allowing our site to be embedded in an iframe is not something we want to support by default. Closes #386

Replace shelling out to git (which only works in some environments) with the OkComputer check which supports checking more environments: * The `REVISION` file created by Capistrano * The `ENV["SHA"]`...

In nearly all of our apps, we don't have open registrations the way Devise adds by default. This means that unless a developer specifically disables or removes this strategy, we...

ready for dev

This changeset resolves issues I had with Github Actions not passing on a new Rails application with all the trimmings: 1. Actions started a DB container, but the new version...

CI is currently failing because Puma 6.0 is out which includes some breaking changes. These changes are causing Capybara to fail. The upgrade guide is at https://github.com/puma/puma/blob/master/6.0-Upgrade.md Separate to the...
