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Application template for Rails 7 projects; preloaded with best practices for TDD, security, deployment, and developer productivity.

Results 64 rails-template issues
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We frequently use template email layouts, typically [Postmark's](https://postmarkapp.com/transactional-email-templates). These templates, and many others, advise using an email HTML preprocessor such as [premailer](https://github.com/premailer/premailer) to inline CSS onto the elements. Apparently using...

ready for dev

We want a conventional way to log significant security events e.g. user sign-in attempt We have implemented this idea on multiple apps but in slightly different ways. It seems like...

For most the applications that get built using this template, Preact would be more performant option than React. We should therefore look at either replacing the React variant with Preact...

Something which has been raised a few times now when using React has been the frustration of not having access to the rails i18n translations. On the Harbours project we...

good first issue

## Current status WIP. This branch can be used as inspiration for a devise MFA feature. The design doc included in this PR is particularly useful for understanding the feature....


I would love to be able to offer 2fa in our Rails apps for the same cost as regular user management. I have used https://github.com/tinfoil/devise-two-factor successfully in the past. It's...


## Background This template is conceptually a set of templates which work together. There is a "backend base template" which is loaded directly from `template.rb`. This template is always applied...

Otherwise we get weird errors from linting that are technically correct but don't describe the actual problem, because TypeScript attempts to fail gracefully. e.g. if you attempt to use a...

We should review our defaults for the following HTTP headers * Strict-Transport-Security * What duration should be set? We have had pen-tests recommend 1 year. * X-Frame-Options * Should be...