Results 280 comments of absidue

Please refactor this to query the database instead of making 20+ API requests every single time. Ideally parse the published date that is already in the watch next/recommended videos feed...

Livestreams have both DASH and HLS manifests, video.js's can't handle YouTube's live stream DASH (YouTube uses self-initialising segments, which are part of the DASH spec, but heavily discouraged by the...

It could be something to do with the HLS streams returned by the iOS client, using MP4 files that contain vp9 video, which is possibly something that video.js doesn't support...

@SamantazFox Looks like videojs-vtt-thumbnails doesn't follow the spec properly and doesn't unescape the escaped characters. So an exception will need to be added to to not escape characters for...

Is there a reason you decided to create a completely new JSON API endpoint instead of just including it in the existing `/api/v1/videos/{video id}`? Seems like it will add extra...

I think you should change this issue to a feature request, as it currently just returns the information it has in the database, this will require it to duplicate the...

Unfortunately this is caused by YouTube, sometimes they return the names and other times the channel handles, when they return the channel handles the channel names aren't in the response...

@unnamed25 As mentioned in my comment above this is how it looks on YouTube too, Invidious can't magically make YouTube return information that it doesn't even return for it's own...