Results 280 comments of absidue

> > Having the new extractor return less data is a regression. > > > > If this is an issue (and imo it's not) perhaps the new invidious extractor...

I do agree that passing an Invidious URL should download from Invidious, I just wanted to point out that there is significantly less usable metadata that you might have thought...

@ChunkyProgrammer has been working on a fork on the FreeTube org:

@unixfox Invidious does it's own mobile detection for the player here:

If that error is expected, does that mean you'll be returning errors for the other channel tab endpoints too or is the goal to have the community tab API endpoint...

@ba06 Yes you are correct those completed live streams haven't been reprocessed to normal videos yet, how YouTube prioritises which ones get processed first, isn't really known but more popular...

> Btw - why do I get signed-out when changing instance? Invidious instances are run by various different people in the community, each instance is independent, there is no data...

If you run your own instance anything you do on your instance is stored on there. An account and it's associated data only exists on the instance you create it...

The channel doesn't have a shorts tab, so the correct response in this case should be an error saying that the tab doesn't exist. YouTube redirects to the homepage when...

The big question is why? It only shows content that is already available on other tabs. Also there is no consistency across channels as it's customisable by the channel owner,...