Results 55 comments of Aaron Hurt

@harlequin Why is the service address empty? This shouldn't be empty if Nomad is doing the service registration. This is how we're using Nomad with Consul and Fabio today.

Late to the conversation but looking at the code examples provided above it doesn't look like you are using the correct separator for the package and service. You have `/protopkg/protoservice/`...

@andyroyle provided some stub example code ... should be able to expand that to a small PoC. If you do it would be great to post it back here.

You could route via hostname instead of path ... create multiple A records (or CNAME entries) that resolve to the address of your fabio server. Then you could `` and...

Hrm ... HTTP/2 does require SNI by specification though. So, if we're not already using SNI to match host routes on HTTP/2 we should. I'll look into the code in...

Ohh right, that would only affect HTTP/2 and/or GRPC over TLS but yes ... it would be better than nothing in the absence of a host header. Ideally we would...

This looks fairly clean and the original change points all seem to have been made. Is there anyone using this backend that can confirm operation? Are you currently using this...

> I'm also looking forward to seeing this push through - @1941198 could you update the branch so it can be tested/merged? @magiconair thoughts of when this might be able...

I'm not exactly sure what you are wanting fabio to do with `Connect` enabled services. Are you wanting them to be added as straight TCP proxy targets?

@nutbunnies @artyomturkin I definitely think this is something we want to support and after doing more reading on `connect` I can see the benefit, especially in public cloud environments. I...