Results 55 comments of Aaron Hurt

Okay, I understand what you're asking for now and I can see the use case. Would you be able to submit a PR?

No problem, I'll try and take a look at it in the next few days.

Absolutely, that would be great! > On Jun 22, 2018, at 2:06 AM, Ianislav Vasilev wrote: > > @leprechau I've always wanted to join fabio project and this seems like...

@kuskmen @mantasaudickas I see the reasoning but I'm a bit concerned about adding more state to the current routing table.

@baabgai are you using this patch in your environment? Can you confirm operation?

Sorry, things have been very busy with the full-time gig lately. I'll try and work to get a release together soon. Apologies for the long delay between releases and thank...

If we interpret that `https-redirect` as only valid for originating `http` that should be redirected to `https` I think this works. Meaning that `https-redirect` will never match an incoming `https`...

Sorry, just looked at the code ... there's not a new option it is just adding the pseudo var. So I think that you would get a redirect loop with...

Agreed a host agnostic match with a port and path is exactly what you would want for this specific use case.

@orikalinski What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Why do you want to cluster Fabio?