Results 55 comments of Aaron Hurt

Sharing a virtual IP is going to be the most common solution for HA between hosts. The DigitalOcean floating IP solution should be fine for this use case. It...

@hlang Thank you for the report. This should be a pretty straightforward fix. I'll try and knock it out between meetings today.

TCP listeners including the TCP+SNI listener are passthtough to the backend. If you want fabio to add headers you will need to use an HTTP and/or an HTTPS listener. The...

Sorry, I see what you are asking now. The current answer is no. The TCP and TCP+SNI proxy do not currently have any access logging. I can see this being...

The HTTP access logging was originally added in #80

Hi Robert, Thank you for the report. The HTTP header code hasn't changed in quite a while. Setting `proxy.header.clientip` to `X-Forwarded-For` or `X-Real-Ip` is going to be ignored. That's a...

I'm saying that setting `proxy.header.clientip` to `X-Forwarded-For` is a noop because we ignore the `proxy.header.clientip` setting if it's set to `X-Forwarded-For` or `X-Real-Ip`. We always set `X-Real-Ip` but let `reverseproxy.go`...

@tommyvicananza I believe this is related and may solve your issue. It does not implement a configurable flush but does re-add the Flush method that was lost in a...

The two PNGs don't look that much different ... at least not at initial glance. Would it be possible to get samples of approximately the same length from about the...

@murphymj25 Thank you for the analysis.