Results 130 comments of A1ive

> I don't completely understand the second changeset of the chainloader, why is this change needed? When GRUB2 loads an EFI application, it can pass a device path to the...

> 0005-cmp-add-return-value.patch Add a return value to the `cmp` command so that it can be used in an `if` statement. Maybe we should also add a `--quiet` option to it...

You didn't read the official FAQ. ![Snipaste_2023-03-30_09-17-14](

不知道 @ventoy 是倾向于把 grub 升级到 2.12 还是把 grub-2.12 对 loongarch64 的支持 backport 过来。

duplicate with

Ventoy does not support any kind of disk encryption. Ventoy depends on the file's location on the disk and map these blocks to a virtual device.

可能是分辨率问题,设置成文本模式试试。 > 文本模式 图形模式 切换 默认情况下 Ventoy 是图形模式,但在个别比较特殊的机器上可能会有显示问题,比如花屏、卡顿之类的。这种情况下你可以切换为文本模式。 Ventoy 文本模式和图形模式在功能上是一样的,只是图形模式更漂亮一点,再有就是文本模式中文会显示为 ?? 问号。 有以下几种方式可以切换显示模式: 通过 F5 Tools-->Screen Display Mode-->Force Text Mode 菜单切换。这个是一次性的,每次启动都需要重新设置 通过按 F7 快捷键来切换。这个和方法1效果是一样的,更方便一些。反复按可以在文本模式和图形模式之间来回切换。 通过本文中的主题插件设置,这样可以把默认模式切换成文本模式,不需要每次都切换。

I don't know why this happened. You could download the source code and build it, then use grubfm_pc.iso

> I have received some report about uefi boot error just like "Linpus lite boot failed" no matter secure boot enabled or disabled. > > Any ideas? lenovo laptops?