Results 130 comments of A1ive

Ventoy only supports UEFI and PC BIOS firmware. Maybe you need to use SeaBIOS or Tianocore (EDK2) as payload.

> @steve6375 > I think it's OK. > The injection is just like that I extract the ubuntu.iso and change/add some script and create an new ISO file. > This...

macOS 根本不是 Linux,怎么支持? > This project is used to chainload Ventoy Linux vDisk file from other bootloaders

You could try [ntloader]( ``` menuentry "Boot Windows NT6+ PE" { probe -s dev_uuid -u (hdx,y); if [ "${grub_platform}" = "efi" ]; then chainloader /ntloader initrd=/initrd.lz1 uuid=${dev_uuid} file=/path/to/win10.vhd; else linux16...

both. (grub2 legacy & grub2 uefi64)

> why This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only. ntloader? Because I no longer maintain the project.

> I tried it on a real system and it works! > It must look for a USB drive. but why Legacy-BIOS booting is OK in vbox? > If I...

> but Windows 10 comes up to the choice of harddisk in the installation, it does not progress after that. any picture / screenshot?

GRUB2 本身是支持保存环境变量的 ( 但是 grub2-filemanager 本身相当于 "绿色软件",是不会保存路径的。

> ![image]( > > Doesn't seem to work? UEFI64. Sorry, I was wrong. It reads $prefix/grubenv. ![深度截图_选择区域_20210205104913](