Results 130 comments of A1ive

> @a1ive 我也遇到了 @zdaiot 的问题,路径无中文,盘是exFAT的。不仅Ubuntu,manjaro也有同样的问题,我想应该Linux都有此问题吧 据我所知,直到2019年初,没有任何一个 Linux 发行版的 iso 支持从 exFAT 启动。现在不清楚。

Are you trying to install the system on the hard drive where the Windows ISO is located? It can't be done.You need another hard drive to store the ISO.

Now grub2 only has write support on FAT/exFAT. You can only delete from/copy files to FAT/exFAT partition, and I do NOT recommend to do these operations in GRUB2.

> P.S. When is the > > ``` > set enable_progress_indicator=1; > linux16 ${prefix}/memdisk harddisk raw; > initrd16 "${grubfm_file}"; > ``` > > code used? If the img file is...

> This also works using ;; instead of \x0a What are the advantages of using ';;'? Does GRUB4DOS treat it as multi-line or one-line statements? (to avoid exceeding the maximum...

> I found that the --config-file= string is fussy. According to [Linux/x86 boot protocol](, the max length of v2.05 cmdline is 255. GRUB2 adds `BOOT_IMAGE=/path/to/kernel` and other info (vga, memory)...

> (hd) means the NEXT FREE hd device number in grub4dos. So if we have hd0 and hd1, using map xxx (hd) would map xxx as hd2. From then on,...

I think this is a problem of the system itself.

Which boot option did you use, "Boot Ubuntu from ISO" or "Boot ISO (loopback.cfg)"? The "Boot ISO (loopback.cfg)" option will use menu from ISO, this would be better.

Maybe you can run 'vim.efi' under UEFI?