
Results 293 comments of Zireael07

Considering you had some physics performance issues, I'd try reducing physics fps and turning interpolation on ;)

Simplifying the collision shapes where possible is the first step I'd make (I had an issue in my own project where an auto generated shape was THOUSANDS of vertices and...

> because the organelle models are all slightly transparent Do they really need that transparency? That's likely the root of the problems here, many models that are in the transparent...

Then I believe the fake transparency shader should help you achieve better performance. I've used a variation of said shader on my semi-transparent sci-fish road barriers and got a clear...

Bump. I was thinking of using Flutter for app UI and WASM for logic specifically to have it work on both web and desktop... any news?

I just found someone's toy language: https://github.com/JohnBSmith/moss Not 100% sure if it works in WASM target, but I like the simple syntax.

Since I last wrote, we have two candidates that apparently work in WASM too: https://gamelisp.rs/ and Rhai https://github.com/jonathandturner/rhai

Bracket-lib wasm input works by specifying HTML key codes.