
Results 36 comments of VictorLee

# how to use the cupoch c++ library the following steps work in ubuntu1804 ## install cupoch with 3rdparty libs add some install command to `third_party/CMakeLists.txt` ``` # Installation install(TARGETS...

> thank you ,but I still can't use Cupoch directly, The error is that there is a problem with RMM. Do you have a similar problem? You could find it...

@xiaopeige Hi, the compiling issue with RMM happens when you use cupoch that > 0.1.7, which upgrade thirdparty of rmm. You could use [this fat source of cupoch](, which based...

Many dds and dds-like middleware vendors are creating gateway for iceoryx, for example [Cyclone DDS gateway/bridge]( and [fastdds gateway]( So why not to create a gateway for iceoryx with zenoh....

@SteveMacenski see this for intergration with PCL Thanks.

> Now the qemu version is 4.1.0. Could you check it? @junaruga Now the version is 4.2 in ubuntu 20.04, and errors exist. ```sh Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 54 Unknown...

see this

close with 193a8a30d431901e8deb7e31f4169a0f3f5d4097

Agree with @xixioba Yes, the version control policy between this repo and main stream in apollo, should be clearified. And the author once worked at BaiDu.

> Nice feature & ideas! > > Few questions that popped up regarding [74f6d10]( > > @ZhenshengLee might also be interesting for you. @mossmaurice long time no see! As my...