
Results 16 issues of zeyang

Hi, I find it hard to understand what is going on with the data chunks generation process in the file below. https://github.com/daveredrum/Pointnet2.ScanNet/blob/f4adc43779aaaefd6138d37183a94185d0718865/lib/dataset.py#L219-L240 1. What is line 236 meant for? 2....

I am trying to reproduce 10-1 results as shown in the table below. I notice a large gap of the old class mIoU between my reproduce result (38.82) and your...

Hi, intuitively, I first download the model you provide and finetune on the few-shot dataset so as to reproduce your results after finetuning. Basically, I can reproduce your results with...

Pytorch 1.0.1. Still have this problem with RTX2080ti.

I think there exists a data leakage problem in your code, which severely hurts the fair comparison with other methods. Take coco 10shot for example, you will first construct a...

As I report in the previous issue, I notice that you have fixed it. However, this will lead to significant decrease of the performance due to the reduce of annotations,...

I think there exists a data leakage problem in your code, which severely hurts the fair comparison with other methods. Take coco 10shot for example, you will first construct a...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42920710/67629989-bb361500-f8ba-11e9-9e89-088c1b8d1fa8.png) When I run this code, I encounter this error. I don't know how to fix it. Your help is highly appreciated.

There is a bug in the function filter_class_roidb(roidb, shot, imdb) in line 59 of file MetaRCNN/lib/roi_data_layer/roidb.py, resulting in actual novel shots exceeding designated shots. For instance, supposing we have collect...

Hi, I run the code with 8x TITAN Xp. The batch size is set to 8. I come across the error as shown below. ![Screenshot from 2021-05-09 09-20-25](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42920710/117557641-dbe24c00-b0a7-11eb-9c22-885b813a9598.png)