
Results 38 comments of zeyang

I have tried it on 2x RTX 2080Ti with cuda 10.2 (see [environment.txt](https://github.com/arthurdouillard/CVPR2021_PLOP/files/9198928/environment.txt) for the full environment). However, I got almost similar results as running with 2x RTX 3090. I...

@arthurdouillard May I know do you use different hyperparameter settings for different tasks, e.g., 10-1, 15-5, 15-1, etc.? Because I can reproduce the results for 15-1.

Hi, do you make any modifications to the code? If so, please first try with the original code.

You should first download the COCO 2014 dataset [here](https://cocodataset.org/#download), and place them accordingly under the instructions I provide in the README.md file. This error indicates that you did not correctly...

I have no idea what the problem is with the information you provide. By the way, you may try to avoid using Chinese characters in the directory path since it...

Hi, you can modify the dataset part to receive a single image as input by yourself. I think that would not cost you too much time.

It stands for the number of source classes, a.k.a., base classes.

As shown in the README.md, you need to first download the dataset by running the .sh script. If you already have a copy on your server, feel free to skip...

I have tried the links just now and they work fine. I think you can try it again. If fail, I suggest you can copy the links to a brower...