Andre Greeff

Results 22 issues of Andre Greeff

I'm trying to disable all interaction events on a chart that uses `chartjs-plugin-streaming` and `chartjs-plugin-zoom`, but even though I have ` []` in my chart configuration, *clicking* on a point...

I cloned this repo the other day to look at things more closely, and the size of the download surprised me somewhat... Git downloaded 25MB-odd of objects, yet the actual...

I was just testing a few things in the `0.0.9-beta` build, and my NetBeans interface locks up each time I edit the contents of a `.properties` file and save it....

type: bug

As per a previous discussion, I finally found some time this evening to go through the wiki and make a few improvements to the pages. :) @bennyn, Github treats the...

epic: Documentation

I just tried the `0.0.8` version and the changes introduced in #86 don't seem to work too well.. If I open an existing file and add code that doesn't have...

type: discovery
prio: high
type: bug
epic: NetBeans Editor

In a nutshell: Trying to create a new `.editorconfig` file from within NetBeans (Windows platform, NB 8.0.2 x86) doesn't allow the file to be saved without a filename.. Which means...

type: enhancement
prio: low
epic: Create File

firstly, two important notes here: 1. I **do not** have the issue described in #636. I use Bitwarden password manager, and I get the "Passwords" input auto-fill option exactly as...

> before I jump into describing the issue: I see `` now redirects to ``, this seems to imply that Cordova support is diminishing more and more.. > > surely...

>Note: This comes from the outcome of a [bug report I opened]( in the main VSCode repo. Looking through the keybindinds added by this extension, there are two that conflict...

I discovered your extension through this morning, promptly launched VS Code, and went to install it.. in the search, I noticed two extensions, one called "footsteps" and another called...