Andre Greeff

Results 57 comments of Andre Greeff

hey @Ademking, [based on this comment]( (very nice comparison, btw..), it seems you had previously started working on SVG support. just to follow up, have you made any progress on...

in the meantime, you can view local files in your browser using BetterView by running a local web server.. execute `npx serve .` from any folder that contains images and...

quick note: as per [this comment]( by @martin-dufka, I had to include an entry in my `config.xml` for two permissions before I got this to work on my Xiaomi Mi...

I was having the same issue, even though I was only submitting an *update* to an app that's been in the store for ages already with the same configuration every...

I just tried @daviddickson's fork now, but I do my initial dev using an Android device, so after I had the same error I took a closer look at that...

actually, I think we might be going down the wrong path here altogether... PR 423 is trying to print out a string as `cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.on({EVENT}, {PARAMS}), whereas the Ionic Native wrapper...

I almost did a hard pass on Lowdefy thanks to this "issue".. Investigating the use of "low code" platforms for building some BI tools at work, and one of the...

I'm collaborating on a RequireJS project that desperately needs this functionality. unfortunately, most of the modules in this project have an insane number of imports, requiring well over 10 in...

same here, affects ~both~ Windows 10 ~and Pop!_OS 21.10~ for me, with Node 14 and 16.. feedback in the terminal shows the project rebuilding, but the rendered window simply doesn't...

so, after messing around trying to get Volta working, I just got the current `nodegui/react-nodegui-starter` project up and running (_~with NVM, not Volta..~ scratch that, it runs with Node from...