Yijun Yuan

Results 5 issues of Yijun Yuan

现在该模板对不同的theorem-like环境使用了独立的计数器,即如下代码 ``` \documentclass{fduthesis} \newtheorem{proposition}{命题} \begin{document} \begin{theorem} 111 \end{theorem} \begin{lemma} 222 \end{lemma} \begin{proposition} 333 \end{proposition} \end{document} ``` 会生成 ``` 定理0.1 111 引理0.1 222 命题0.1 333 ``` 而实际在论文写作中我们一般让它们共享一个counter,即实现 ``` 定理0.1 111 引理0.2...


It would be nice if we can do something like > freeshooter.exe --mode=region --save-to=F:/ --format=png If this can be done, then freeshooter can be used as a command line tool....

TeXt theme support using Valine as its comment system, and Valine supports rendering math formulas with MathJax [(link)](https://valine.js.org/en/changelog.html#v1-4-0-v1-4-4-2020-04-11). However, MathJax is not enabled when using Valine with TeXt theme, even...

Since Google's website is inaccessible in some countries and Inbox Notifier does not support HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy directly, one has to use some third-party tools, like Proxifier. It would be nice...


Is it possible to sync github content to overleaf?