Yijun Yuan

Results 5 comments of Yijun Yuan

> 可以绕开本模板的封装直接用 `ntheorem` 提供的功能: > > ``` > \documentclass{fduthesis} > > % 恢复 \newtheorem 的定义 > \expandafter\let\expandafter\newtheorem\csname __fdu_thm_ntheorem_new:w\endcsname > > % 重新定义已有的定理环境 > \renewtheorem{theorem}{定理}[chapter] > \renewtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{引理} > > % 默认没有定义...


By the way, I compiled `XML::LibXML` by changing the warning level in `makefile` to `-Wno-everything`. Then termux-install-biber works as expected. # HOWEVER It installs biber 2.18, which is incompatible with...

> I am thinking biber should be moved to termux-user-repository in any case since it is just an installation script. I started looking at that [some time ago](https://github.com/termux-user-repository/tur/pull/254), will have...

The GCLB error happens again.