Vadym Diachenko

Results 30 comments of Vadym Diachenko

The warning tells you that the variable doesn't unconditionally exist on the object. You could: - Write `var inst = cast instance_create_layer(...);` to strip type information from the value. -...

Current versions of GMEdit index variables that are assigned in Create event (optionally with types, if your linter settings say so) and use this information to color variables in object's...

Tiled can _export_ GM rooms, but it cannot _import_ them, so you can't really "open a room in it". You can place your TMX files in your Included Files (having...

Is this for doing some parts of init in user events?

If `declare_vars` is out of the object entirely, you can use `@interface` and `@implements`

The issue here is that the syntax highlighter doesn't really know which sub-function you're in - it is only aware of top-level functions and events since those can be quickly...

I have originally made the line highlight stay in this case, but annotation removal is [handled by Ace](, so I kept the behaviour for consistency.

For purposes of inspecting the code structure, building a graph (e.g. ![image]( ) may prove sufficient. Permitting to recover the code to a more or less original (GML) form would...

[Disabling DPI scaling]( for the app would probably work

> What does this mean? > > > runner (+x) + + lib/ + assets is a good tell of a GM Linux build that has not been customized...