Vadym Diachenko

Results 30 comments of Vadym Diachenko

As per my comment, it causes a false positive match for Awesomenauts since the (non-GameMaker) game contains a GameMaker mini-game in one of the subdirectories.

You'll need to provide a larger snippet of the output log, but overall I am currently only able to offer limited guidance due to ongoing war in Ukraine.

Did you enable Steam in your project? You'll need to both tick the "enable steam" under Windows and enter a valid App ID (that your logged on user has permissions...

Make sure that sandboxed Steam is functioning correctly - if your library view is black or the friends list is missing / showing you as offline, it is not functioning...

Hard to tell, really - I just tried compiling an empty project from GMS2.2.5 and GMS2.3 and both work fine in Sandboxie (drawing `steam_initialised` and `steam_get_persona_name`) ![image]( My sandboxed Steam...

"Allow non-top level assignments" checkbox in linter preferences is a workaround in the current versions, although I would still like to support this more properly.

To those whom it may concern, I came up with a workaround: First, you set Key Color to something unique, like `#ff0000` (pure red). Then, you match this color (and...

It would appear that in 8.0.0-beta.7 Explorer straight up doesn't open if you have forward slashes in path.

Still happens in v20.1.4, tested in Fiddle - further degradation from v8 (window doesn't open at all if slashes are malformed) remains. ```js const {app, shell} = require('electron') const path...