Yan Pashkovsky

Results 54 comments of Yan Pashkovsky

Vscode extension is ready for this feature: https://github.com/Yanpas/vscode-ccls/commits/dataflow

See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/33720#issuecomment-398412202

I think calculatin hash-sum of each file and then recompiling each file (and dependant) only if hash sum has changed will be optimal solution. And despite hash sum of a...

Related https://github.com/cquery-project/vscode-cquery/issues/50

BTW [this tool](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/inspector/) may be handy for debugging.

I think it should be implemented as some heuristics before calling `clang_codeCompleteAt` (clang_complete.cc:524). Proposed heuristics: If line follows this regex `\s*#\s*\w{0,10}`

Here it is: ``` $ svn diff Index: file.c =================================================================== --- file.c (revision 14) +++ file.c (working copy) @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -void aa(){} +void ab(){} + + +int aaa...

I thought svn uses the same diff format as unified diff. Since it works with colordiff utility

Yep, will try it out on real svn repo