Yan Pashkovsky

Results 54 comments of Yan Pashkovsky

CMake files are not supported too

The idea behind this behaviour was: when you view older revisions of some file under version control, which are actually files inside `/tmp`, file history view isn't get reset.

Yes, I use it curently, but gitlens's implementation is much better and allows to track changes easier. It is similar to one used in jetbrains IDEs.

I did some experimental commits in some branch in my fork, but since I use git at my current position I don't have much interest `¯\_(ツ)_/¯` https://github.com/Yanpas/svn-scm/commits/hist_lens

I have a file in cp1251 encoding. No matter if I set or unset detect_encoding - the diff lines appear if I set cp1251 encoding in editor (with UTF8 there...

Here it is in base64: ``` IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCkRBVEFfRElSPSIkMSIKV0VCX0RJUj0iJDIiClJPT1RfRElSPSIkMyIKClNF TEY9IiQoIHdoaWNoICIkMCIgKSIKQklOX0RJUj0iJCggZGlybmFtZSAiJFNFTEYiICkiCgpta2Rp ciAtcCAkV0VCX0RJUgpjcCAtcmYgJEJJTl9ESVIvaW1hZ2VzICRXRUJfRElSLy4uCiMg5ODt7fvl LCDo5yDq7vLu8Pv1IOPl7eXw6PDz5fLx/yDu8vfl8iwg7O7j8/Ig7/Do4+7k6PL88f8g5Ov/IO7y 6+Dk6ugg6CDv8Ogg8e7n5ODt6Ogg5O7v7uvt6PLl6/zt+/UKIyDu8vfl8u7iIOTr/yDx8uDw+/Ug 8eHu8O7qCmNwICREQVRBX0RJUi8qLmNzdiAkV0VCX0RJUgoKJEJJTl9ESVIvZ2VuX3BhZ2VfYnVp bGQuc2ggJERBVEFfRElSICRXRUJfRElSCiMg8ePl7eXw6PDz5ewganVuaXQueG1sIOIg6u7w7eUs IOIg6u7y7vDu7CDh8+Tl8iDo7fTu8Ozg9uj/IO4g8uXx8uD1LCD38u7h+yBqZW5raW5zIO/u5PXi 4PLo6yD98vMg6O307vDs4Pbo/gokQklOX0RJUi9nZW5feG1sX3Rlc3RzLnNoICREQVRBX0RJUiAk Uk9PVF9ESVIK ``` With 2.10.1 I see blue lines with both 1251 and utf8 encodings. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7345761/74976358-a5d09200-5439-11ea-94bc-582e3f996004.png)...

BTW I disabled vscode's encoding autodetection since it's very buggy, often treats utf8 files as cp1252 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/85480 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/33720

This helps Things would be much easier if vscode provided chosen encoding. Maybe request API extending?

1.48.1 seems to be okay

Got same error on 1.48.1. Stack: ``` rejected promise not handled within 1 second: TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined t.log @ console.ts:137 $logExtensionHostMessage @ mainThreadConsole.ts:38 _doInvokeHandler @ rpcProtocol.ts:394...