Vitaly Novichkov

Results 538 comments of Vitaly Novichkov

> One last question: will the sky color and background be customizable: It`s usual to see reddish sky in lava world and black color in space and eldritch worlds. There...

That because I don't recounting a warp ID's after deletion form begin/middle. This may slow performance and increase memory usage to record history, undo/redo this requires reverse recounting to "restore"...

That easy to add, and I think to add that into re-organized version, I'll keep this in my mind. It's not a necroposting 😉

As `tab-index` I have added the `Weight` field which means order priority between of tileset groups.

Config pack now allows to define initial visibility of all toolboxes: BUT, only visibility, not the position or docking side yet.

Since 1b165d0cb6bc473aaf2279c95aa81c0f5c566db8 sortable categories now working!

## Some more notes about hybrid itembox design from the Discord discussions (@Hoeloe and @Emral ) - search box in tileset itembox visible in every tab - highlights elements with...

I do keep this idea too, because I do produce several episode repaks too where I do replace musics. Even there are sort of remixes where I completely replace given...

In the branch I made this, it's buggy and may glitch or crash. I had to hook mouse events to automatize controlling of this thing. Oh, just now I got...

Today I wanted to touch this and themes system, however, I'm tired today, will try some tomorrow.