
Results 13 issues of WhiteChairFromIkea

Adopted to v6, added few features. See readme.

Hi, just spotted this pugin at https://forum.kicad.info/t/plugin-panelize/31614. Is it supposed to work with v5.99 kicad nightlies? I get this error when trying to panelize test board ([tmp.zip](https://github.com/msvisser/panelize-plugin/files/7412085/tmp.zip)): ![1350n](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46539653/138734252-5ea78dcb-57d2-4b8b-a74f-7b953a0d08f2.png) This is...

Plugin window looks like this on my Windows: ![3658a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46539653/138735640-5df532de-5963-4065-afa9-bc9c4d122c9e.png) I cannot resize GUI window. Windows DPI setting is 100%. Master version is from 2021-October-25.

Hi, "Always on top" feature is greyed out for "Foxit reader" (a lightweight alternative to adobe acrobat reader, I believe many engineers are using that). I use 64 bit version,...

Fixes https://github.com/ShareX/ShareX/issues/5341

Make available to add toolbar buttons which: 1) Copy current folder name if nothing is selected; 2) Copy filename with extension if something is selected; 3) Copy full path of...

Currently, this dialog is thrown upon exit: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46539653/122006570-a6740100-cdbf-11eb-92a6-41a804271845.png) Exit question is formulated in opposite logic from the rest of applications. It is usual to get this kind of question and...

Unoccupied tab space of window title bar is now White. If remember correctly, this is a regression: ![3623Q](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46539653/179682428-21e8daf1-2cae-4749-9c6e-e5bbc88497a3.png) *I believe it is the color of windows theme "Inactive window caption",...

Pressing CTRL + W (close tab) here, from 00:03. Not nicely looking tab gap appears between tabs. This started to occur after https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/issues/2694 has been fixed. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46539653/173561585-60c0c1f8-ce6a-4100-a2a7-e5fc9d645f2e.mp4

Sometimes I use mouse to close tabs, instead of CTRL + W. In case tab bar is overfilled (>25 tabs on 1920 screen), "close" button position becomes undetermined, so I...