Makes the pet walk WAY too fast. Tested with a spider.
They attack crowd controlled enemies.
It's damage is way too low.
https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/466 Same counts for Polymorph.
If you have the Talent Storm, Earth and Fire and you use [Earthbind Totem] it will root nearby enemies for 5 seconds, however if you use the totem with the...
Death Knight's pets do not get this effect for some reason. It only works 1 of the 10 times.
Whenever your seduction is broken/resisted/immune, the succubus continues to channel it and that means you cannot cast it again on the target.
Frienzied Regeneration should be able to crit. From WoWWiki: Can crit on each tick. Unaffected by +healing stats.
Copied from my forum: The spell Ghost wolf is bugged in a way that it is removable instantly after it's casted by the same button. Think of it as Iceblock,...
https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/1536 Would be lovely!